That should be me .
Happy April Fool's Day peeps ! :) Did some one play to you today ?
Today i was late to school. KOW YI LIN WAS THE FIRST PERSON WHO FOOL ON ME AT TAPAK! ROAR. Pandai ah you :P When i just step in the class, tuck wai bluff to me again ! They all are laughing at me. what the hell i still believe it. How stupid am i? Yucin also the one. Play alphabet language with him today ! CHILDISH but really damn fun ! :P
Today whole day like didn't study at class ! Lot of people wasn't at class. Some went to mssd and some also went to take club photos ! Chit chat with Yucin, Quince, Mi Yi, Eemin, Ming Hung, Briana they all at class. After that went to lepak with Richard ! Thanks for accompany me, touched ! (: Seem like quite lifeless rite? But still good for me ! :D Skipped rumah AGAIN , teeheeeeeeeeeeeee ! :P
Tomorrow is HOLIDAY ! Going Midvalley to watch movie with sis and mom tomorrow.
Saw you've text me when i reached home . owwwwh :D
*loves lovess *
Off to exercise now ! tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (: