A day without you :(
Hello readers ! :)
Today after recess , nothing to do ! Teacher dint teach us.
Our class just got a few of people. Lot of people including him also busy doing their club and rumah things because tomorrow is SPORT DAY. oh ya ! I will attend tomorrow, miracle rite ? :D This year i just went for merendas desa and sport day only, rumah pratice .. i dont even go for once . I know i' m LAZY :P
Briana went to yi lin class and somewhere else the whole day , except account period she came back :( Guan Tatt they all said whole body of me look like marshmallow not just hands. SHIT ! New name for me - MARSHMALLOW :`(
Accompany Mi Yi went for a walk, when we walk to the in front of displin room,saw Xiang Qi and Daphne coming here.. Suddenly PN JOYCE CAME OUT ! we walk faster to downstairs. Luckily she dint notice that we are morning section students if not we sure kena caught ! phewwwwww .. After that we walk to block A's toilet. Saw Jia Huey and one of her friend. We're stalking someone together ! And suddenly we spotted "SOMETHING" , and we keep on laughing ! * not going to tell you what we saw ! *
After bell rang ! is moral period now, so we walk back to class. Back class, teacher was not teaching again. ROAR ! So i call Mi Yi accompany me went to toilet again. Guess what did i ? continue stalk someone ♥
I keep on hiding myself when stalking, but Mi Yi just stand at there and look. She laugh at me why should i hide myself, i told her that because i'm SHY ! She said " together already still like that ! LOL "
Mi Yi pulled my hand and show it to him. I guess he know that was me ! because i'm wearing my pinky watch :)
Tomorrow is Sport Day.
Hope tomorrow can see you when you're running.
Must jiayouss ! Remember that I'll always support you.
No matter what you get, you're still the best !
Thunder here,
Going to off. Ciao guys :)
Today after recess , nothing to do ! Teacher dint teach us.
Our class just got a few of people. Lot of people including him also busy doing their club and rumah things because tomorrow is SPORT DAY. oh ya ! I will attend tomorrow, miracle rite ? :D This year i just went for merendas desa and sport day only, rumah pratice .. i dont even go for once . I know i' m LAZY :P
Briana went to yi lin class and somewhere else the whole day , except account period she came back :( Guan Tatt they all said whole body of me look like marshmallow not just hands. SHIT ! New name for me - MARSHMALLOW :`(
Accompany Mi Yi went for a walk, when we walk to the in front of displin room,saw Xiang Qi and Daphne coming here.. Suddenly PN JOYCE CAME OUT ! we walk faster to downstairs. Luckily she dint notice that we are morning section students if not we sure kena caught ! phewwwwww .. After that we walk to block A's toilet. Saw Jia Huey and one of her friend. We're stalking someone together ! And suddenly we spotted "SOMETHING" , and we keep on laughing ! * not going to tell you what we saw ! *
After bell rang ! is moral period now, so we walk back to class. Back class, teacher was not teaching again. ROAR ! So i call Mi Yi accompany me went to toilet again. Guess what did i ? continue stalk someone ♥
I keep on hiding myself when stalking, but Mi Yi just stand at there and look. She laugh at me why should i hide myself, i told her that because i'm SHY ! She said " together already still like that ! LOL "
Mi Yi pulled my hand and show it to him. I guess he know that was me ! because i'm wearing my pinky watch :)
Tomorrow is Sport Day.
Hope tomorrow can see you when you're running.
Must jiayouss ! Remember that I'll always support you.
No matter what you get, you're still the best !
Thunder here,
Going to off. Ciao guys :)